French- Algerian diplomatic row

The diplomatic tension mounted between Algeria and France after the recent statement of French President, Emmanuel Macron, regarding the former French colony. According to French media, President Macron said that the former French colony was ruled by a “political-military system”. Macron further said that Algeria has an official history which has been totally re-written, and that this history was not based on truths but on a discourse of hatred towards France.
Macron’s remarks were widely picked up by Algerian media, and seriously noted by the Algerian government. The African nation decided to recall its ambassador to France for consultations.
According to reports, the ties between the two nations were already deteriorating due to France’s decision to reduce its visas to citizens from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia during recent days.
The French government said that the three African nations do not cooperate with it for returning illegal immigrants back to their countries.
In fact, the present-day rivalry between the two countries has roots that date back into history, when France was ruling the African country and facing tough resistance on the hands of local freedom fighters. Therefore, Macron displayed his disappointment over the history of Algeria and accused it of distorting the facts.
Realistically, Macron has no right to comment on the history/internal matters of an independent nation. He must realize that he is talking about an independent nation. There is a difference of prism being used by the two sides, Macron is using the prism of occupiers while Algeria has zoomed into heroes of its liberation movement.
So, Algerian heroes would exactly be perceived as villains in Paris. However, the Algerian foreign ministry summoned the French ambassador on Wednesday to protest the visa ruling and remarks of the French President.
The people of France usually remained careless in their words during the past and usually received censure from their contenders.
Macron’s remarks would not attract such reaction if Macron did not show mirror to the ruling elite. However, Tebboune proactively defended the controlled democracy of his country. Macron must wait because the Algerian Foreign Ministry is preparing a lengthy response to the deputy of its former occupiers.