Friendship shortens distance

By Qi Mei

CHINA and Equatorial Guinea should use the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties as an opportunity to deepen cooperation and friendship
While the world has seen many twists and turns since the beginning of this year, China and Equatorial Guinea have shared weal and woe in combating the novel coronavirus while marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties this year. After the novel coronavirus epidemic broke out, Equatorial Guinean President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo sent a letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping offering his condolences for the COVID-19 deaths and assisted with $2 million to boost China’s fight against the outbreak. People from all walks of life in Equatorial Guinea, including officials and students, expressed firm support for China in various ways. Many Equatorial Guinean students studying in China posted messages such as “China is our second hometown. The Equatorial Guinean and Chinese people will stand together to overcome the difficulties. Come on, China!” on social networking sites.
The Chinese government launched President Xi’s initiative of building a global community of health for all by donating several batches of goods to contain the virus, such as face masks, ventilators, personal protective equipment and test kits, to Equatorial Guinea, while sharing China’s experiences in controlling the outbreak in a timely manner. China has also sent a team of health workers, virologists and epidemiologists to carry out extensive and in-depth exchanges with related departments and institutions of Equatorial Guinea.
The Equatorial Guinean side thanked China for its help, saying: “The arrival of the Chinese medical expert team brought the light of hope to Equatorial Guinea.”
While the Chinese medical team continues to fulfill its tasks, Chinese nongovernmental organizations, China-funded enterprises, overseas Chinese associations and the Red Cross Society of China have provided supplies and assistance for the people of Equatorial Guinea.
Moreover, a Chinese hospital and an Equatorial Guinean hospital have established an anti-pandemic cooperation mechanism, and work on the new Niefang Hospital in the African country will start later this year with China’s assistance. The pandemic has strengthened the solidarity, friendship and mutual trust developed between the two countries’ peoples over the past 50 years.
In May 2008, when a devastating earthquake hit Wenchuan in Southwest China’s Sichuan province, President Obiang sent the Equatorial Guinean foreign minister to China, and provided assistance of 1 million euros ($1.16 million) to the relief fund. In 2016, the establishment of the China-Equatorial Guinea Friendship Primary School with assistance from the government of Equatorial Guinea was completed in Jinping county, Southwest China’s Yunnan province.
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1971, China has sent 30 batches of medical teams to Equatorial Guinea that have treated more than 1 million patients. And the Nkue-Mongomo Road built with Chinese help nearly half a century ago is still a major traffic road in Equatorial Guinea.
Over the past 50 years, power stations, roads, reservoirs, schools, hospitals, farms, and radio and TV stations built with China’s support have contributed to the economic and social development of Equatorial Guinea. Many Equatorial Guinean students have come to China for studies and training on scholarships provided by the Chinese government. More than 4,500 students have studied the Chinese language at the Confucius Institute in the National University of Equatorial Guinea.
The peoples of the two countries have seen the friendship between China and Equatorial Guinea growing over the past five decades, thanks to their hard work and the efforts of their leaders. The strong friendship between the two countries has weathered the changes in the international landscape, with their win-win cooperation setting an example of South-South cooperation and equal exchanges between countries of different sizes.
Looking into the future, China and Equatorial Guinea will take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations as an opportunity to promote steady and long-term friendship and cooperation for the next five decades.
The two countries will implement the plans on which their leaders have reached consensuses, increase people-to-people exchanges in various fields, deepen political mutual trust and continue to support each other on common issues and those that concern their core interests.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item