Full security for Ashura ordered

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Sunday directed the authorities concerned to ensure foolproof security arrangements for maintaining law and order situation, safeguarding lives and properties of people and maintaining peaceful atmosphere during Muharram, especially on Youm-e-Ashura.
Chairing a meeting here, he said following of given routs and completion of all majalis and mourning processions within the announced time-frame should be ensured.
Members of district and divisional peace committees should play a role in promoting religious harmony. He also said that four different security layers should be set up in mourning processions to ensure safety of people, and a report should be submitted to the CM office after a thorough audit of CCTV cameras, generators, lights, walk-through gates, metal detectors besides all other devices.
The CM said there would be no compromise on the publication and distribution of objectionable material, provocative and hateful speeches as well as violation of the ban on wall chalking. He added that indiscriminate and strict legal action would be taken against the violators. He said that the code of conduct should be ensured at any cost and the government would not tolerate any violation in this regard.
The CM said that law-enforcement agencies should remain vigilant and use all their capabilities to ensure a peaceful atmosphere.