Future course up to Afghans: FM

-Warns against US-Taliban deal spoilers inside and outside Afghanistan
-Says first step towards peace taken

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that landmark Doha Peace Accord between the United States and Afghan Taliban is a first step towards bringing permanent peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Addressing a press conference in Islamabad along with Secretary Sohail Mahmood on Sunday, he said that the people of Afghanistan want peace, adding that they have seen war in the country for a long period.
The foreign minister said that it has to be seen how much flexibility does the Afghan government show [for negotiations] and whether it will keep Afghan interests foremost or its own interests … are they ready to compromise for larger interests.
Qureshi went on to say that the process of fencing Pak-Afghan border is underway. “Over the past 19 years, the Afghan people have seen the problems of migration and deportation and they also want peace after a long war,” he said.
“The peace deal has paved the way for Intra-Afghan negotiations, and Norway has expressed its willingness to hold the dialogue,” he said and added both the US and Afghan leadership have acknowledged Islamabad s role in realizing this deal.
He reiterated that Pakistan will continue its policy of supporting the Afghan people in their efforts to achieve lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan.
He further said that those who had criticized Pakistan were now appreciating Islamabad’s positive role.
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Sunday said that Pakistan supports an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation process.
He made these remarks while addressing a news conference in Islamabad a day after the signing of a deal between the United States and the Afghan Taliban that could pave the way towards a full withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan over the next 14 months and represent a step toward ending the 18-year-old war in

the country. Qureshi said that Pakistan will “play our role when we are called upon [but] it is their own country, it is their future and they will have to take those decisions”. He added that it remains to be seen how much seriousness is shown in honouring the commitments made [in the deal]. Referring to the deal signed between the US and Taliban, which Pakistan hailed as a “harbinger of peace”, he said that the question now is how durable peace will be achieved.
“It has to be seen whether the Afghan leadership agrees to sit and make a political roadmap and when [they decide to do that] they are the ones who have to make the decision as to what kind of Afghanistan they want.
“It will be a test for the [their] leadership. How much flexibility does the Afghan government show [for negotiations], will it keep Afghan interests foremost or its own interests are they ready to compromise for larger interests?
“Will the Taliban cut off contacts with Al-Qaeda and others, and will the world be satisfied?” he questioned.
Qureshi told the media that he had met with US Special Envoy for Afghan Reconciliation Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad before the meeting, who said that “they had not seen such a reduction of violence in the past”. He added that the Taliban have shown that they have been successful in reducing violence across the country.
Qureshi also said that Pakistan’s role [in the Afghan peace process] is being heralded and appreciated by the world community. “The role that Pakistan has played as facilitator was being acknowledged and praised [at the ceremony]. People who used to criticise Pakistan were appreciating its role yesterday,” he added. The minister remarked that “Pakistan will be the net beneficiary of peace in Afghanistan. If peace is established there, trade will flourish we will get access to central Asia.
“Yesterday’s ceremony generated a very positive momentum. It is my opinion that maintaining this momentum is in all our interests. One thing that can do this is the release of prisoners. We have to see how progress can be made and how fast.”
He expressed the hope that Afghanistan’s president Ashraf Ghani will realise the “importance of releasing the prisoners”.
The foreign minister said that he met US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after the signing and used the opportunity to exchange views. Qureshi said that he had brought four points to Pompeo’s notice deterring spoilers, optics of the next phase of intra-Afghan dialogue, addressing political uncertainties in Afghanistan, and mobilising international support and resources for rebuilding the country.
“There are spoilers both within Afghanistan and outside, you will have to keep a lookout for them and deter them. You have to identify them and put them to blame and shame. A mechanism is needed for that.”