G20 heads urged to ask Modi for ending Kashmiris’ massacre

Srinagar: Posters have appeared in Srinagar, urging the G20 heads to ask Modi to stop the slow-motion massacre of people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), and resolve the Kashmir dispute according to the United Nations (UN) resolutions. According to Kashmir Media Service (KMS), the posters, displayed by pro-freedom organizations, including Resistance Youth Forum J&K, Jammu and Kashmir Political Resistance Movement, Jammu Kashmir Democratic Movement, Resistance Youth Forum J&K, Jammu Kashmir Youth Movement, Jammu and Kashmir Justice and Peace Initiative and Nawjawanan-e-Hurriyet Jammu Kashmir, urged the World Body to take notice of the violation of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination recognized by the UN Security Council through its resolution passed on January 5, 1949.
The posters appealed to G20 members that they should realize that India’s ulterior motives behind holding the groupings meeting in IIOJK were nothing but to hide its anti-Kashmir agendas and demand the UN resolutions by the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
The posters called upon the World Body to honour its commitments made 74 years ago and said that the Right to Self-Determination Day was a reminder to the global community that it could not shy away from its responsibility of settling the lingering Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
The posters read: “Play a role in the release of all Kashmiri political detainees.”
“India is using this international forum to legalize its brutal repression in IIOJK and paddle falsehoods of normalcy.”
“Jammu and Kashmir have been under Indian military and police siege since August 2019.”
India should stop demographic change in Jammu and Kashmir and ask India to withdraw its all forces from Kashmir and repeal all draconian laws/ stop human rights violations in the territory, it added.
The posters ask G20, “Do you know India is the worst violator of freedoms of expression and opinion and do you believe in human rights and peace, if so, why you, G20 countries, are guests of the worst violator, India.”
The G20 Summit, in which world leaders like US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and other delegates are participating in the Indian capital city New Delhi from September 8-10. –Agencies