Gandapur moves world for peaceful resolution of IIOJK

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Ali Amin Khan Gandapur Tuesday exhorted the international community to take practical steps for peaceful resolution of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
The United Nations Security Council must implement its resolutions on Kashmir for ensuring durable peace and stability in South Asia region,†the minister said in a message regarding Kashmir Black Day, being observed today across the globe. He urged the world powers to stop India from using state-terrorism as a tool to destabilize the region and resolve the pro long dispute as per the wishes of the Kashmiri people. He said October 27 is the darkest day in the history of Kashmir.
On this day India illegally occupied Muslim majority Jammu and Kashmir by trampling the international laws and against the principles of partition of India. India is consolidating its illegal occupation of occupied Jammu and Kashmir by oppressing unarmed Kashmiri and committing serious human rights violation.
He said india once again on August 5, last year, flouted international laws and UN Security Council resolutions, aimed at changing the demographics of occupied Kashmir. A new wave of state terrorism has erupted in the occupied valley, youths are being martyred in so-called police encounters, houses and properties are being arson and thousands of non-Kashmiris being settled there by providing them citizenship of Jammu and Kashmir , said the minister.