GDA holds talks with Sindh CM

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: A high-powered delegation of Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) will call on caretaker chief minister Sindh Justice retd Maqbool Baqir today to discuss the issues related to the upcoming polls. The GDA delegation will apprise the caretaker CM regarding its reservations related to Sindh.
The delegation includes Dr Fehmida Mirza, Sardar Abdul Rahim, Syed Zain Shah, Ayaz Latif Palijo, Irfan Marwat and Hussnain Mirza. It has been learnt that the CM Sindh will be urged to remove the officers facing NAB cases in order to ensure transparent elections in the province.
The GDA delegation will also talk about the removal of officers close to PPP but they were still deputed in the CM House. GDA leader Sardar Abdul Rahim said that the delegation will apprise the CM regarding its reservation over delimitation of constituencies in Sanghar and Khairpur.
He added that the local governments must be suspended till the holding of elections and officers from other provinces should be deputed in the province. The deteriorating law and order situation of Sindh, increase in the incidents of street crime in Karachi and issues being faced by the minorities will also be discussed in the meeting.
Inflation, unemployment and issues faced by the farmers would also be discussed during the meeting between CM Sindh and GDA delegation.