Georgian schools, varsities to reopen on Sep 15th

DM Monitoring

Tbilisi: Georgian schools and universities will reopen on September 15, depending the epidemiological situation in the country.
Head of the National Disease Control Centre (NCDC) Amiran Gamkrelidze stated that there will be safety measures for schools and universities in order to prevent the risk of spreading virus. Epidemiologists will adopt safety measures regarding how school children and students should sit in classrooms and auditoriums. They will have to wash their hands frequently and use face masks while in corridors, though masks will not be mandatory for every child. Probably less than 20 children will be allowed in classrooms. Epidemiologists have already started working on these safety measures”, said Gamkrelidze.
Georgian schools and universities switched to remote studies at the end of March in order to prevent the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Meanwhile, Nine new cases of coronavirus have been detected in Georgia, increasing the total number of infected people to 1,206, media reports via Georgian media.
As reported, 13 more patients have recovered from the novel virus in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of cured patients up to 987.
Seventeen patients died of COVID-19 in the country.
Currently, 7,071 people remain under quarantine and 294 more under medical observation.
Georgia reported its first case of the coronavirus on February 26, 2020. Since then more than 225,000 people have been tested for the coronavirus in the country.
The outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan – which is an international transport hub – began at a fish market in late December 2019.
The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11 declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Some sources claim the coronavirus outbreak started as early as November 2019.