Giant Water lilies a big hit in Xishuangbanna

KUNMING: Lightweight tourists step onto the pads of giant water lilies, which resemble China’s traditional emerald-jade plates on the surface of a pond, and magically find themselves floating smoothly on the water.
The pond containing magnificent water lilies is one of the most sought-after attractions in the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Southwest China’s Yunnan province. It becomes more popular during summer when students are on their school break.
“Our visitors are mainly student groups or parents with their kids,” said Yang Zhen, director of the XTBG’s scientific communication team. “One of the XTBG’s key functions is to popularize scientific knowledge, especially on tropical plants and animals.”
According to Yang, giant water lilies were originally introduced from the Amazon region in South America. The unique leaf veins of the plant provide remarkable buoyancy, enabling them to support individuals weighing up to 70 kilograms. “However, we are not merely showcasing these water lilies as they are. Our CAS research staff here have nurtured new varieties of giant water lilies that exhibit greater resilience to low temperatures,” Yang said.
As one of the largest and most diverse botanical gardens in China, the XTBG not only holds an AAAAA-level scenic spot rating (the highest ranking in China) but also serves as a comprehensive research institution.  –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item