Gilllani slams Indian HRVs in UK speech

LONDON: Senator Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, on Wednesday stressed for advancing democratic principles, human rights, rule of law, tolerance, equality, and called for duly protecting rights of Kashmiri and Palestinian people, and opposing authoritarian populism.
Addressing the inaugural seminar at Society of Lincoln’s Inn Old Court Room, Senator Yousaf Gillani reiterated his commitment to promoting human rights, safeguarding independence of the judiciary, and ensuring media freedom.
He discussed how his actions as Prime Minister, had been geared towards upholding these principles within the context of democracy and human rights.
He also stressed to address the challenges, being faced by Kashmiri and Palestinian people and called for international support in upholding their rights. He warned against authoritarian populism and urged the world to protect the rights of migrants. –Agencies