Government needs to review exams policy amid Pandemic

From Menahill Rashid

Government is also bound to follow the rule” No Punishment, But Love” for the students, whether they are on the roads regarding their protests of promoting them without exams in various localities. The Poet of East Allama Muhammad Iqbal had said for these youths, “Give the young men a sigh of relief , then give these royal children hair and feathers, God! This is my wish to spread my light of insight” So there is dire need of presenting the prompt Policy comprising the phenomena of Insight solution not the harshness from any side.
What are the uses and abuses of “Delay” its proper context may be observed from the Shakhesperion Drama the “Hamlet”
Very rarely there created protests in the culture of Europe and other countries also, but In our dear homeland, Pakistan, it has become a habit. A question rises in the minds, whether the Institutions, Judiciary and relevant departments are consulting your matters? The answer is YES! the Institutions are in all respect ready for resolving the issues of the public, because strong Institutions create a balance among the various segments of the socities. Actuality and factuality highlight that, everything every time is available here but it may need immediate peaceful action some times to stop the unlawful tunes from the government side. Students are the real unique asset of the country whom every nation never bears to involve them in any conspiracy.
Here students time frame needs extension to prepare them for exams and their protest maybe mere engulfing the rights of others!
If we start to accept every agitation or protest, it will be meant that Institutions have inertia and inertia is the state of death toll for a society.
Student will have to go through the schedule exams and from the government side they should be given appropriate time to study and cover the syllabuses, because without examination, their future will become darkening. Besides it, many other awaiting candidates will lose their fundamental rights due this strategy of promoting without exams. Unfortunately if they attain this pass certificate, it will remain worthless card not a result card in their hands which will not be the guarantee of their perseverance.
In the certain schools, the teachers have already covered the short syllabus within two months at the start of the session which was certainly sufficient for exam appearance and taking their exams. Maximum students did not take Interest in their studies despite holidays given to them during the alarming situations of coronavirus pandemic. If, in this situation the Government gets no immediate proper solution of the students, it will bring a dangerous condition for both of the Government and students of these sessions also.Their making a lame excuse will end if their exams are started from August because these 60 days are sufficient for further preparing the exam course which comprises already short syllabus.
From 9th to 12th classes, morning and evening classes should be started immediately.
In these two months, teaching staff should be given double salary. There should be attendance of 50% students in the morning shift and 50% in the evening shift. These students of high and higher secondary classes can attend classes in every seasonal changes, because they are the youth can bear all weather changes. If they can protest in these circumstances of summer heat, they can also prepare themselves in same conditions also.
View for a while, the students of Allama Iqbal Open University, they attend certain tutorial periods for a limited time, and they get successful results, it has been being observed under AIOU from decades. So, delay the exams and held it from the start of August but give Summer vacations to the students from initial to 8th classes as per previous schedules. From 6th June to 14th August, Education Institutions might be closed for all students studying up to elementary classes.
From August, exams of 9th to 12th to higher classes must be started with 50 % candidature ratio at 1st time and 50 % ratio at second time with SOPs, if , in case coronavirus pandemic across the country remains continuing
Maximum students have already completed their courses, only a limited number who have came out on the roads with a lame excuse will also go to success when they will be given special time to study and cover the syllabus.
Parents and teachers don’t accept any tradition of harshness against the principles of laws.
Tough circumstances and situations do not mean to break the laws and even our teaching values and culture also can allow to give incentive to those teachers who like to pay their duties during the summer vacations to teach for the purpose of completing the syllabus. If the students are allowed to keep continuing their protest for next coming days, they will certainly keep it continuing for more other meaningless purposes, so it will be better to call them in schools instead enduring this protest which is out of laws and rules. In all the districts, schools have been opened, it will not be difficult to impart education with SOPs adoptability as per need.
It is accepted that they were not given the full opportunity to cover the syllabus, but majority of these students, in holidays did not sit in their homes, but do each and every thing violating the SOPs engaging in the open markets.
Whereas in the school Jurisdiction, they are bound to follow SOPs due to strict supervision of their teachers. Govt. will have to take instant necessary action to stop the protests peacefully, because these students are mentally not mature, and other opposition parties are using and might use them for their own purposes successfully.
In the critical situations, the Government and opposition must play a positive role to eliminate the problems instead leg pulling. This is no matter, whether you may give or not give the exams of grade-5 and grade-8, because our high and higher secondary classes level have the potential to cover also the weak students. It has come to observe with the peoples’ expression that, during the coronavirus pandemic, all education Institutions should be converted into two phases, means morning shift and evening classes shift. New teachers may be appointed for it, or running teachers should be given double salary/ remuneration for the time being. If the Government promotes these protesters without exams, they will certainly face many problems in their own future life whom they don’t understand due to immature thinking.
Save the students from the trap of protest.
It is a dangerous condition both for the Government as well as the students and their parents. In Pakistan we have observed that, there are two major types of protests in Pakistan, one type of protest comprises the actual problems of the public, they have the right to protest peacefully for their rights and Government must focus and solve the issues immediately under the rules.
The second type of protest is a an artificial forged protest which is framed to make the Government mollified with preplanning.
Because in Faisalabad at the period of govt. of General Pervez Musharaf, the high ranked political figures used the poor laborers of loom industry in creating artificial protests by handing them over flange, play cards, pamphlets written down the shortfall of electricity, gas and water etc in Faisalabad. These protesters were committed to be given a packet of “biryani” after recording the protest walking off only 50- meters long to show in the media. General Pervez Musharaf was astonished at these protests where the agencies and concerned departments had an ok report. These conductions of protests were the strategically part of PMLN to dethrone the Musharaf govt.
We cannot calculate in students’ protest, how many are the real protesters, and how many will be artificial protesters who will be engaged by the so called opponents of the Government. These artificial forged protestors might give lose to the real protestors to make the Government as wrong in the eyes of the people. If a bus is burnt by an artificial forged protestor in guise, but name Will come on front? It will show the real protestors our students. So the students must come on the line and wait for a while the policy of the Government.
Allah Almighty says, you will be entitled for paradise after testing you!
You think ? will you enter into the paradise without any examination.?
So these students think to surpass the steps by engulfing the right of other awaiting candidates?
Yes! It may be the right of the students to wage protest regarding the extension of time period to complete and prepare your syllabus.
Before it, BISE in Pakistan has used the formula of promoting the candidates in which a number of shining students de-scaled and normal candidates scaled up. It lost the right of hardworking students. Parents as well Teachers are advised to give understanding to their students about the realities. All CEOs ( DEA) should be made bound via head teacher message to ensure the attendance of the students in the schools to save them, least there may happen any incident like Shangla Hill Tehsil district Nankana Sahib, where during a protest, Churches were burnt and the actual burners of the Churches succeeded to escape on the spot and the innocent people roaming including the old one were arrested and they were hardly released after many months because in the crowded protests, there happen blind methodology in hurly burly.
Such protests in the modern era sometimes prove very critical situations, where a wrong doing planer gets the benefits to wage hurly burly in the state. Waging any protest is not the task of the students, but their teachers, parents can decide more better for them. Teacher community is in the favor of conducting the exams but they should be given further some time to prepare the students according to the short syllabus, and if they have to study such students during the period of summer vacations, they should be given appropriate incentive.