Govt asked to make IMF agreement public

LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Emir Sirajul Haq has rejected the increase in electricity tariff and demanded the government make public the IMF agreement.
Talking to different delegation here, he said the per unit price would touch Rs55 after inclusion of different taxes in electricity bills.
The rulers, the JI emir said, were bent upon sucking the blood of the poor masses instead of making small sacrifices of their own luxuries and protocols. “The ruler of the poor country, he said, lived like kings, utilizing state resources and leaving nothing for the poor. The two percent elite, he said, captured 90 percent of the national wealth.”
Amid the unprecedented financial crunch, he said, the number of prime minister’s federal cabinet was 85. Could a country caught in a worst debt trap afford this size of the cabinet, he questioned.
The government had planned to collect Rs500 billion from the poor people with the recent increase in power tariff, Haq said.
The JI chief said the PDM and the PPP had taken out the rallies and the long marches against inflation before coming into power. “The 15 months rule of the 13 parties’ alliance, he said, broke all records of inflation but none of them raised any concern.”
He said the current government was the continuation of the PTI rule, adding there was no difference among the policies of the ruling parties, he said, adding the trio was failed to provide any relief to the masses.
Haq added the status quo keepers could not put the country on right path even after remining in power for 100 years.
The country and the people, he said, were paying the price of the bad governance of decades.
He said the rule of the feudal lords and capitalists gave nothing to the people but miseries. He said only Islamic system could save the country and the JI was the party which could enforce it if voted to power. –Agencies