Govt issues video for medics on PPE

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: The Government of Pakistan released a video on Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) guidelines for doctors, paramedical staff, other healthcare workers, and sanitary workers who are on the frontlines of the pandemic. As part of it’s awareness campaign against the deadly coronavirus, the video released on the official YouTube channel lays out which healthcare worker needs which PPE depending on the job they are performing.
The video specifies which job requires full-body protective gear, including N95 masks, gumboots, full-body gown, face shields or goggles, and for which jobs surgical masks and gloves would suffice. A minimum three feet distance is advised for all healthcare workers except in situations such as examination of patients, where it cannot be implemented.
The informative video addresses a thorough range of health and sanitation workers including those in hospitals, isolation centres, houses, screening centres, and laboratories, to name a few. The government has also launched a training course on PPE use from Friday under its ‘We Care! National Campaign for Protection and Support of Frontline Health Care Workers,’ campaign.
Given the reported shortage of PPEs and reported coronavirus infections in at least 600 healthcare workers in the country, the video is crucial in its distinction for necessary PPE for all health and sanitary workers – whether in direct or indirect contact with confirmed Covid-19 patients.