Govt response on WHO advice

World Health Organisation (WHO) Country Head for Pakistan, Dr.Palitha Mahipala has sent a letter to Punjab Health Minister Dr. Yasmin Rashid, expressing therein great concern over the rapid spread of coronavirus to all districts of Pakistan. The contents of this communication recommend imposition of “intermittent lockdown,” increasing daily testing capacity to 50,000 to effectively curb the spread of Covid-19 transmission and question the easing of restriction, which were enforced two months ago. The letter appreciates government intervention measures taken in April like advising people for observing the norm of social distancing, movement and travel restrictions and closure of public places. However, it does refer to damage done by the flawed policy of so called partial and smart lockdowns announced in May, wherein a number of restrictions were withdrawn, which led to the spike of coronavirus infections at accelerated rare. Instead of taking the WHO objective assessment seriously for policy review, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Health Dr. Zafar Mirza defended the decision taken for lifting the restrictions that were imposed in April. He said that with the help of technical experts, who minutely review the Covid-19 data and trend of daily transmission rate of the disease, “holistic strategy” is implemented to contain the viral infection. The decisions in this regard are taken in the National Coordination Committee meetings, chaired by the Prime Minister and participated by all Chief Ministers and Prime Minister Azad Kashmir. On the contrary, Punjab Health Minister Dr. Yasmin Rashid gave an appropriate response by saying that when lockdown was eased, people thought that coronavirus has left. She plainly admitted that local transmission cases are fast rising due to violation of SOPs and flouting of rules by the people. That is why Prime Minister has repeatedly urged the people to take the pandemic seriously and unmanageable peak of coronavirus cases will come in late July or early August, if SOPs are not strictly followed. The imperative suggested by the WHO vindicates the stance of medical fraternity from Pakistan Doctors Association platform against easing of lockdown. They had forewarned the government about the collapse of health service system if lifting of restrictions overcrowds the hospitals with Covid-19 patients and lead to increase in fatality rate of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff by contracting the virus. The recalcitrant attitude shown by the people towards SOPs for the prevention of virus caused rapid surge in local transmission. The premise that in total lockdown people will die of hunger, dissolved in thin air. The ground reality of liberal philanthropist culture was ignored. The damage done cannot be undone. However, further spread of the fatal and continuously mutating corona virus can be effectively checked by taking corrective measures in the light of WHO advice and lockdown models adopted by the developing countries like Cuba, Vietnam and Tanzania.