Govt urged to encourage digital transformation

ISLAMABAD: Wusool, a startup focused on digital payments and E-Commerce
payment gateways, has organized an online panel discussion on possible futures after the COVID-19
The discussion invited a cross section of participants to take part in the discussion through an open platform.
They agreed that the government needs to take a lead in creating an enabling environment at this stage to encourage digital transformation.
The issue of new entrants to create new value for the citizens also came under discussion, where the cost of entry to business is a serious challenge in terms of innovation and alternate solutions required at this challenging time. Shabbir Buxamoosa, Co-Founder Wusool, highlighted the need for the think tanks to create knowledge resources and enough evidence through data, that can push the policy makers and business leaders to create value in the changing times for the end consumer, while benefiting from the digital transformation identifying new areas of growth for the industry and job creation for the economy.
Mohsin Iqbal, Co-Founder of Wusool, said, “While we are all looking at the COVID-19 from an operational point of view, we need to see this from a regulatory & public policy perspectives as well.” Amir Jahangir, CEO Mishal Pakistan, a country partner institute of the World Economic Forum, highlighted that “the surge for online services and data has increased more than 200 times. – Agencies