Grassroots Doctors crucial in anti-Covid fight

CHANGSHA: Hou Luobo, 27, became a rural doctor in Youxian County, central China’s Hunan Province, in October 2019. About two months later, unprecedented challenges posed by a new virus, made for an unusual start to his medical career.
For the past three years, the main focus of his job was COVID-19 prevention and control. Now with China having optimized relevant COVID response measures, the priorities of his daily work have shifted to monitoring the health conditions of villagers and providing them with timely medical support.
“Compared with the intensity of doing mass nucleic acid testing, conducting door-to-door inspection and follow-up observation for people under quarantine in the past, the workload is less heavy now, but we still dare not slacken in our efforts,” said Hou.
Yanliang Village of Yajiangqiao Township, where Hou works, is located in a remote mountainous area administered by Zhuzhou City. With many young people working or settling in the city proper, most of the dwellers in the village are the elderly and children.
“Since we fine-tuned the measures for epidemic response, the villagers are commuting more frequently between these two places, so we need to conduct health assessments for key populations and provide classified services in a timely manner,” he noted. –Agencies