Grassroots healthcare gets a boost

BEIJING: Health authorities in China plan to increase the number of community hospitals and rural clinics, bolster the quality of their services and improve the training of medical personnel in rural areas, according to a policy document released this year.
Grassroots healthcare facilities, including community hospitals and healthcare centers, township medical facilities and village clinics, have played an indispensable role in meeting the medical demands of the public and safeguarding their health, the National Health Commission said in a statement explaining the document, which was released in late January.
To help the facilities improve their capabilities and address shortcomings, health authorities have put forth several evaluation standards that each contain a two-tier evaluation system for such facilities.
In the document jointly released by the commission, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration, authorities highlighted the need to increase the proportion of facilities meeting the standards.
By 2025, at least 20 percent of township health facilities and community health centers in areas with populations of more than 10,000 should meet the high-tier standard, while those in less populated areas should strive to boost their capabilities. In addition, at least 500 new community hospitals should be established each year, the document said. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item