Greece violating Lausanne Peace Treaty: Erdogan

ISTANBUL: Greece has recently been deliberately eroding terms and conditions of the Lausanne Peace Treaty, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday.
President Erdogan made the remarks in a video message on the 99th anniversary of Lausanne Peace Treaty. “The terms and conditions of Lausanne Peace Treaty, particularly rights of Turkish minority, have recently been deliberately eroded by Greece,” he said.
“It is not possible for our country to accept this situation, which is incompatible with the principle of good neighbourly relations and loyalty to the treaty,” he added.
Turkey solidifies its active position in regional and global issues as it takes firm step towards 2023, the 100th anniversary of Lausanne Peace Treaty and foundation of the Republic of Turkey, he added.
The treaty was signed on July 24, 1923, after the Turkish victory in the War of Independence.
The Spokesperson of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs also slammed Greece for its discriminatory policies against Turkish minority in the country.
Sharing facts about the Turkish minority in Western Thrace, Tanju Bilgic in a tweet he said: No kindergartens; no schools for children under 9; only 2 high schools; insufficient buildings; old textbooks.
Turkey’s Director of Communications Fahrettin Altun said on Sunday Greece is responsible for escalating tensions in the Aegean. –Agencies