Green efforts produce promising results along upper Yangtze River

CHENGDU: Every late autumn, groups of black-headed gulls arrive “as scheduled” in Luzhou City on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Circling over the water, the red-billed oceanic birds always attract a crowd of bird-watchers.
“The time for meeting the birds this year is coming soon,” said Li Tian, a resident in Luzhou in southwest China’s Sichuan Province.
Besides Luzhou, the migratory birds are also frequent visitors to Sichuan’s Deyang, Neijiang and other cities where the Tuojiang River flows. Local enthusiasts have all set up bird-watching and bird-love associations.
The black-headed gull, a rare bird species with white feathers and red beak and claws, is regarded as the “barometer” of the ecological environment in watersheds. The spotting of more such birds reflects the promising results produced by Sichuan’s green efforts in recent years.
Known as “a province of thousands of rivers,” Sichuan is an important water conservation area and a core area for ecological construction along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.
Among Sichuan’s many water systems, Tuojiang River shares a pivotal position, not only because it is an essential tributary of the Yangtze River, but also due to the fact that the 25,500 square km it flows through covers the most concentrated, densely populated and economically powerful areas in the province. –Agencies