Growing millet makes sense for Jingxian farmers

Jingxian: While many farmers this year worry about having enough water to irrigate their crops, those in Jingxian county, Hebei province, are worry-free because their crop of choice, millet, is more drought resistant.
A total of 650 hectares of millet is planted across the county.
Liu Shulin, a farmer in Houliumingfu town, planted millet on over 40 hectares this year.
“The millet has grown well because there is enough rain, which unlike other crops is all it needs, there’s no need for extra irrigation,” Liu said, adding that he expects to harvest 5,250 kilograms of millet per hectare and sell it for about 25,500 yuan ($3,600).
“Seeing the harvesters shuttle back and forth on my land and the golden grain pour down from the conveyor of the harvester, I can’t tell you how happy I am,” he said.
After switching to growing millet, Liu’s net income per year increased by about 20,000 yuan compared to the corn and wheat he used to grow.
The millet has not only boosted his profit but is also less labor-intensive.
“I’m very happy when the rain comes. I don’t have to water the millet myself and so it is a great relief,” he said.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item