Guangdong takes lead in new reforms

GUANGZHOU: Shenzhen, in the vibrant southern Chinese province of Guangdong, is not just a city but a canvas illustrating tomorrow’s urban life.
In Shenzhen’s Pingshan District, the streets pulse with a symphony of future transportation: yellow unmanned logistic cars pause obediently at red lights before zipping off to deliver piping hot meals; driverless cabs glide effortlessly alongside, ferrying passengers to their destinations; above it all, a fleet of autonomous buses cruise along the elevated rails.
This captivating scene is the result of Guangdong’s bold reforms over the decades.
In late 1978, China launched its reform and opening up initiative, designating Guangdong as a testbed by establishing three of the country’s first four special economic zones in the province, including Shenzhen.
Initially emerging as a “world factory,” Guangdong has since evolved, striving to establish itself as a global scientific and technological powerhouse.
As China pushes for deeper comprehensive reforms, with over 300 measures unveiled at the third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Committee, Guangdong once again leads the charge. It continues to pioneer efforts that reinforce its position as a beacon of innovation, opening up and creativity. –Agencies