Guinea urged to ensure safety of Chiese nationals amid coup

BEIJING: Chinese Ambassador to Guinea Huang Wei met with Mahamady Doumbouya, head of the National Rally and Development Committee (CNRD), following an invitation from the latter during which Huang called for joint efforts to create a peaceful and stable development environment and urged Guinea to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel, institutions and projects in the country.
This came as the military coup led by the country’s Lieutenant-Colonel Doumbouya cast a shadow of uncertainty over the economic and trade situation in Guinea, with several Chinese business representatives and companies reporting that their business activities have been disrupted.
Doumbouya announced on Sunday that his forces have arrested the country’s president Alpha Conde, and dissolved the government and national institutions. This was soon followed by condemnation by international organizations including the United Nations and several governments demanded Conde’s release, media reports.
In responding to the international concerns, especially from the Chinese side, Doumbouya invited Huang for a meeting to explain the situation and address the stance in which he spoke highly of the historical Guinea-China friendly and cooperative relations and thanked China for providing Guinea with selfless help and valuable support in various fields for a long time.
Doumbouya emphasized that the CNRD is working hard to promote social stability and economic development, ensuring compliance with all bilateral and multilateral commitments and agreements, and hopes that the Chinese partners in Guinea maintain normal production and operation.
Over the last several years, Chinese companies have been among the most active participants and supporters of the country’s economic and trade development, with businesses ranging from mining to ports, hydropower stations and fishing.
Chinese companies are also the major partners and investors in the development of local resources including the world’s largest aluminum and iron mining operations.
The Simandou project has accumulated reserves of more than 10 billion tons of high-grade iron ore, and Chinese companies have invested heavily in the mining project.
Huang noted the changes in the situation in Guinea and the measures taken by the CNRD to restore social order and called for the joint creation of a peaceful and stable development environment.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item