Gwadar Garment Factory empowers local women

Gwadar: “If I had not been earning money reasonably and respectfully in Gwadar Garment Factory located in Gwadar Port, neither I would have managed to send my kids in schools nor I would have contributed in home budget to overcome mounting challenges of daily price hike,” said Balqis Iqbal, a senior worker in Gwadar Garment Factory. “Such awesome financial autonomy has boosted my family status as now I am not billed as a burden, rather a self-supporting producer who can share the burden of family expenses. The honor I feel in the eyes of my husband and my family members is a cause of unending pleasure to me and let me say that all credit goes to Gwadar Women Garment Factory that is first of its kind in Gwadar,” she told media.
Gwadar Women Factory also known as Gwadar Women’s Development Employment Center is in operation since 2020 in collaboration with Chinese Consulate Karachi and managed by of Gwadar Women Development Organization of China Overseas Port Holding Company.
“It came into being under deep insightfulness of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to instill a significant impact on the gender equality and women empowerment in receiving countries. “Such initiative like Gwadar Garment Factory for women is in line with China’s obligations to promote women mainstreaming and women empowerment within the BRI framework under international law,” Chinese official at Gwadar port said.
Equipped with relevant sewing apparatus, airy and lighted ambience, management room and store, Gwadar Women Garment Factory has become a talk of town as it is not only a new window of opportunity to train unskilled women but also letting semi-skilled female tailers to hone their stitching acumen as per modern demands. Gwadar Garment Factory is also being supervised by local woman Zaitoon Abdullah, who is also a social worker in Gwadar. In exclusive interview to Gwadar Pro, she said that Gwadar Garment Factory is a true success story for creating spiral ripples in women empowerment.
All women working here are given pick and drop services free of cost and that is why their families are quite satisfied for their commutation. “As we have complete confidence in Chinese and Gwadar Port Operator, so sense always prevails that our women are safe in their workplace,” Rahim Baloch, a social worker in Gwadar said. Gwadar Garment Factory Assistant Manager Zaitoon Abdullah noted that Gwadar Manufacturing jobs like tailoring is a rewarding career choice for creative women professionals in Gwadar who like working with fabrics. With their skills and knowledge to create garments that meet clients’ expectations, all women working in Gwadar Garment Factory have a bright professional path on various upscale garment industry in Pakistan, she added. –Agencies