Hafeez Sheikh briefed on ERP software

By Asad Cheema

ISLAMABAD: Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh chaired a meeting at the Finance Division with the Country Director SAP Saquib Ahmad and his team.
The Country Director briefed the Adviser Finance on the operations of the Company and how it is providing services in 180 countries of the world. The Country Director gave proposals for the better use of technology they have already provided to Pakistan and suggested measures for better resource management that require further investments in new technology.
The Country Director shared that the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software would be of special use for the organizations like Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS), Public Works Department (PWD), Railways and Pakistan Post. The Adviser said that the Finance Division would provide all possible help in this regard and another meeting on the subject would be shortly held where sector specific proposals could be discussed