Hafiz Saeed sentenced on two more charges

Bureau Report

LAHORE: An anti terrorism Court on Thursday sentenced Hafiz Saeed, founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), to 10 years in prison on two charges of terrorism financing, his lawyer said.
The sentences for the two charges – five years each – will run concurrently.
Saeed is already in jail serving two sentences of five-and-a-half-years each, handed down to him in February this year, which means he will not serve any extra jail time.
“An anti-terrorism court in Lahore sentenced ten-and-a-half Years imprisonment to chief of Jamaatud Dawa Hafiz Saeed, his deputy Zafar Iqbal, and spokesman Yahya Mujahid on charges of terror financing,” Saeed’s lawyer Imran Fazal Gill said.
Jammaat ud-Dawa is a charity run by Saeed.
“Since the convict has already been convicted … by this court vide judgment dates 12.02.2020, so the punishment awarded to him in this case shall also run concurrently with punishment in said cases,” said the court order. Appeals have been filed against previous sentences, Gill said.
Saeed has been arrested and released several times over the past decade. He denies any involvement with militancy, including the 2008 Mumbai siege in which 160 people were killed, including Americans.