Halt Modi's hate agenda

PM asks world

– reminds of Nazi supremacist view leading to WW-II

By Uzma Zafar
ISLAMABAD: Reminding the world of genocidal Supremacist agenda of Nazi Germany which eventually led to Word War II, Prime Minister Imran Khan Thursday urged the world to step in, before it was too late, to counter Hindu Supremacist agenda of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“As in Nazi Germany, in Modi’s India dissent has been marginalized and the world must step in before it is too late, to counter this Hindu Supremacist agenda of Modi’s India threatening bloodshed and war,” the Prime Minister said in a tweet posted on his social media account.
He said, “India under Modi, has been moving systematically with its Hindu Supremacist agenda. Starting with illegal annexation and continuing siege of IOJK (Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir); then stripping 2 million Indian Muslims in Assam of citizenship, setting up internment camps; now the passage of Citizenship Amendment Law;
“All this accompanied by mob lynching of Muslims and other minorities in India. World must realize, as appeasement of the genocidal Supremacist agenda of Nazi Germany eventually led to WWII. Modi’s Hindu Supremacist agenda, accompanied by threats to Pakistan under a nuclear overhang, will lead to massive bloodshed and far-reaching consequences for the world,” the Prime Minister added.
Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Thursday that India, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has been moving systematically with a Hindu supremacist agenda.
The prime minister was referencing the controversial Citizenship Amendment Bill passed by India’s upper house amid protests on Wednesday.
The bill will let the Indian government grant citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants who entered India from three neighbouring countries before 2015 but not
if they are Muslim.
Modi’s government re-elected in May and under pressure over a slowing economy says Muslims from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan are excluded from the legislation because they do not face discrimination in those countries.
Taking to Twitter, Prime Minister Imran stated that the bill was the latest of Modi’s attempts to promulgate his supremacist agenda, “starting with illegal annexation and continuing siege of IOJK [Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir]; then stripping 2 million Indian Muslim in Assam of citizenship, setting up internment camps; now the passage of Citizenship Amendment Law; all this accompanied by mob lynchings of Muslims and other minorities in India”.
He warned that bowing down to a “genocidal supremacist agenda”, propagated by Nazi Germany, had once before lead to World War II.
“Modi’s Hindu supremacist agenda, accompanied by threats to Pakistan under a nuclear overhang, will lead to massive bloodshed and far-reaching consequences for the world,” he warned.
“As in Nazi Germany, in Modi’s India dissent has been marginalised and the world must step in before it is too late to counter this Hindu supremacist agenda of Modi’s India [that is] threatening bloodshed and war.”