– Haseena brings ban to fly foreign flags during world T-20 Cricket only to appease India
– India ‘Ordered’Haseena to eliminate pro-Pakistan atmosphere during the ongoing Cricket World Cup
– Entire crowd supporting Pakistan during matches clarified that nation rejects Hasina’s pro-India approach
– Pakistan cheering crowds prove that Bangladeshi nation had rejected Hasina’s poisonous and hate filled stance for Pakistan
– Mujeeb’s daughter invigorated RAW card to humble nation during recent polls
– Bangladeshi media harassed by abduction, killing of journalists, writing against Haseena’s wrong doings
– Documented evidences prove Haseena had sought Indian support to crush own nation during election campaigns
– Documents, photos prove Indian troopers entered Bangladesh in disguise of local cops and butchered innocent Bangladeshis
– Indian army’s 33rd Corps, otherwise known for taint of Sukna Land scam provided services to Haseena
– SujitGhosh, India’s political Consular at its HC in Dhaka, Brig Gen Noor Md. Noor Islam, Bangladesh’s Defense Advisor at its HC in New Delhi, Bangladeshi Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Sr. Assistant Secretary Taufiq Islam Shatil and Indian army’s GOC of Jessore finalized the secret agreement in Nov 2013
– Haseena held detailed secret meeting with RAW, Indian army leadership in 2013 to materialize the deadly deal against own people
From Monjurul Islam in Dhaka, Anjali Sharma in New Delhi& Vishnu Chaterjee in Calcutta
Haseena Wajid, who has managed to grab the slot of Bangladeshi Prime Minister for the 2nd time in a row through sham polls earlier this year has become despicable for the Bangladeshi nation just to appease her mentors in India and by dancing to the tunes of New Delhi while her recent outrageous step of banning spectators to fly foreign flags during the ongoing Cricket World-T-20 tournament was merely a compliance to the orders of bosses in India and was crystal clearly Pakistan specific, reveal the findings of the Investigations, carried out by The Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the overall Bangladeshi nation feels being extremely deceived by Haseena Wajid as her overwhelming love for her mentors in New Delhi has earned Bangladeshi nation embarrassment and disappointment at a number of occasions, including the recent decision by Haseena administration to ban flying of foreign flags during the matches of the T-20 World Cup Cricket Tournament that is currently being played at different venues across Bangladesh.
These investigations reveal that though Haseena managed to re-grab the Prime Minister’s slot through shame polls in January, which were boycotted by the entire opposition, the masses decided to convey their utmost disliking for her bizarre pro-India policies by expressing their support to Pakistan team during every match Pakistan Cricket team has played so far in the tournament. This public campaign, that came right from the hearts of the people of Bangladesh, jolted the Indians too much during a Pakistan-India fixture of the tournament where from thesupport of the spectators for Pakistan team and almost no support for Indian team created such a scene that it appeared as if Pakistan team was playing in front of the home crowd.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the situation prompted Indian officials and they straight away dashed to Haseena Wajid and ‘ORDERED” her to fix the issue. The sources close to Hseena Wajid say that many ways and methodologies were mulled during three meetings between Haseena Wajid and Dhaka based RAW officials and Indian diplomats. As a result of these meetings, the Indian side, while addressing the concerns of Haseena Wajid and officials of Bangladeshi Cricket Board, ensured Haseena and her team that there would be no reaction from the ultimate Cricket authorities at the ICC(International Cricket Conference) as India has already ensured ICC’s support in this sinister plan, utilizing the Big-3 card. After this development, Haseena Wajid’s administration organized a move to minimize support for Pakistan Cricket team during its remaining matches in the tournament.
The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that Haseena has constantly been dancing to the tunes of the Indians as she banked a lot on India’s support to ‘MANAGE’ the recent sham elections in Bangladesh. Undeniable documents, received by The Daily Mail’s reporters through their respective sources at Dhaka, New Delhi and Sukna (Indian Bangal) reveal that Haseena Wajid organized a sort of genocide of its own nationals through a top secret agreement with Indian Intelligence RAW and Indian Army in November 2013. At a time when Bangladeshi nation was expecting its Prime Minister Hasina Wajid to lift the nation’s pride by getting back the borderlands that India was illegally occupying, Mujeeb ‘s daughter was actually finalizing agreements with Indians to deploy Indian troops on sovereign lands of Bangladesh and to secretly operate against Bangladeshi people who were not supporting her. According to these top secret documents that are in The Daily Mail’s custody now and are partly being published here, Haseena Wajid held a detailed meeting at RAW’ Lodhi Road headquarters in New Delhi on 27th of October 2013. During the meeting she sought utmost support from her RAW bosses after which it was agreed that India would provide all the required support to Haseena administration on certain terms and conditions. These terms and conditions included allowing of deployment of Indian troops in Bangladesh by Haseena Administration and the execution of top Jamaat-e-Islami politician Mullah Abdul Quadir and to make special arrangements to allow RAW to run comprehensive campaigns against Pakistan. The evidences, available with The Daily Mail, Haseena Wajid agreed to all the conditions, put forward by the Indians and assured them that she will make all out efforts to run covert and overt campaigns against Pakistan and not only that she will use Bangladesh’s Ministry of Foreign Affair and its Missions abroad but will also use the likeminded intellectuals and journalists both from Bangladesh and Pakistan to generate a feeling of hatred amongst Bangladeshi people and specially the youth of the country against Pakistan. The Daily Mail’s investigations are also complimented and supported by a video that has been uploaded by some Social Media activists in Bangladesh on YouTube and other social media websites.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that after Haseena’s top secret meeting with top Indian defense and intelligence officials at RAW headquarters of Lodhi Road New Delhi on October 27th, 2013, a top secret agreement was prepared by Indian and Bangladeshi officials with just a few days with an utmost desperation and the entire accord was finalized by 6th of November,2013, merely within a time of some ten days after verbal discussion over the topic. It appears that Indians had already completed homework in this direction and they knew it very well that out of sheer desperation to secure the polls as she had completely lost her popularity and credibility in public, Haseena will definitely turn towards New Delhi. With this anticipation, Indians had already prepared the grand agreement and thus the verbal accord between the Indians and Haseena Wajid became black and white just with a few days. Though RAW also prepared another plan for the purpose and had already sent its undercover agents to Haseena, yet this plan could not be materialized as international media reports exposed it before its execution.
The documents available with The Daily Mail reveal that Sujit Ghosh, India’s political Consular at its High Commission in Dhaka, Brigadier General Noor Mohammad Noor Islam, Bangladesh’s Defense Advisor at its High Commission in New Delhi, Bangladeshi Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Sr. Assistant Secretary Taufiq Islam Shatil and Indian army’s GOC of Jessore finalized the secret agreement in this direction on 6th of November 2013 and it was formally approved and signed by Haseena Wajid.
Under this accord, this was agreed upon that troopsfrom 17th, 20th and 27th Mountain Division etc of Bengal based 33rd Corps of the Indian Army would be secretly infiltrated in the night into Bangladesh and would be deployed at Satkhita in Bangladesh and thus Indian troops were moved from Ghojadanga BSF Camp of India to Bhomra BGB Camp in Bangladesh. It was also agreed upon that Haseena Administration will ensure judicial execution of Mollah Abdul Quadir while Indian soldiers would be provided cover of Bangladeshi Policemen to operate.
The Daily Mail’s investigation reveal that to provide a media cover to the brutalities that these Indian soldiers were to carried out across Bangladesh under the cover of being Bangladeshi Cops was ensured by Haseena Administration, In this regard media organizations were both lured by money and official advertisements and individual journalists and some patriotic media houses were harassed through different ways and means.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that for instance, Bangladesh police arrested three journalists from a pro-opposition newspaper for publishing a “false” story claiming Indian forces had helped to contain r election violence, In January this year, soon after the elections.
The News Editor, Deputy Chief Reporter and Diplomatic Correspondent of Dhaka-based Bangla-language daily Inqilab were arrested after police filed a case against the publication.
The report, published, that also compliments and support The Daily Mail’s investigations, said the Bangladesh government took assistance from Indian security forces to contain protests in the southwestern district of Satkhira, which borders India, ahead of January 5 national elections.
The Daily Mail’s investigations also reveal that attacks on Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka in the recent months were also organized by RAW and Indian troopers in Bangladesh while the same was complimented and accommodated by Haseena Administration.