HEC selection board for Executive Director meets today

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The Higher Education Commission (HEC), will hold the Selection Board for the appointment of Executive Director HEC on Thursday. According to a press release issued here on Wednesday, the selection board consists of Chairman HEC, Executive Director, Secretary Ministry of Education, Secretary Ministry of Science & Technology, Member O&T, a Vice Chancellors of a public sector university, and an expert of the field.
In this regard, the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training had raised some objections to the composition of the board. However, HEC in a statement termed the Ministry’s objections as unjustified, patently mala fide, and tantamount to interference in the internal matters of an autonomous institution.
The ministry has objected to the replacement of two members, who had been appointed by the previous dispensation.
HEC clarified that these two expert members are always appointed by the Chairman for each selection cycle, and that there is no precedent wherein the selection board was ever constituted in any different way.
The Ministry also made some rather opaque and intrusive observations to coerce HEC into adopting the government’s MP Scale Policy 2020 whole sale.
HEC clarified that under its law, HEC is not obligated to adopt any policy wholesale. Rather, government policies are often adopted, with any amendments deemed necessary, simply in the interest of convenience and compatibility.
HEC, as an autonomous body, has its own recruitment rules, and at this point the provisions of the government’s MP Scale Policy 2020 are not applicable to it.