Hindu-goon calls for Laws to further suppress Indian Muslims

NEW DELHI: An Indian Hindu nationalist and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s former aide Pravin Togadia continues to spew venom against the Indian Muslims as he recently called for amendments in the Indian constitution to bar Muslims from holding any public office and for controlling their popula-tion.
“I will bring in a law whereby there can be no SP, PM, DM from any other community… In my Hindu rastra there will be no Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas. For me, Vikas (development) is only for Hindus,” said Pravin Togadia, also President of International Hindu Parishad said recently addressing in Assam. Earlier, at a public gathering in Dhubri district of Assam, he had said that Dhubri had only 20% Hindus with 1,200,000 Muslims having “infiltrated” from Bangladesh and demanded a DNA test of Muslim mi-grants who came here after 1951 and demanded the BJP-led state government to send those who ‘fail’ the test to be despatched to deten-tion camps. Togadia also claimed that the Hindus were the rightful heirs of Indian land and that committed to bringing the Uniform Civil Code just like Ram Mandir, control the Muslim population and disallowing Muslims to get any constitutional post.
He also called for renaming the Indian city of Karimganj as Dev Bhumi as he said Karimganj has been derived from the name of a Bangladeshi.

On another occasion, Togadia had demanded that the minority status for Muslims should be with-drawn and they be made to adhere to the two-child policy to curb their population growth.
“The status of minority (for Muslims) should be withdrawn. A two-child policy should be there to con-trol their population.”

At a public gathering, Togadia was also seen administering an oath from his followers to carry weapons and send five million Muslims of Bangla-deshi origin back to Bangladesh. He also resolved to arm 20 mil-lion people in India and 0.5 million youths in Assam state to help them stand victorious. –Agencies