Hindutva hate spread via social media puts Indian migrant workers’ fate in jeopardy in GCC

-Organized anti-Muslim and anti-Islam campaigns on Social Media earn wrath of Arab elites in GCC States
-Arab Royal figures react aggressively to Hindutva campaigns by Indian employees in Muslim companies
-Influential media persons, entrepreneurs and members of Royal familiarizes in majority GCC States forcing respective governments to expel Indian Hindus
-Ideas of killing Indian Muslims in police encounters and labeling COVID-19 in India as Bio Jihad being spread through these accounts
-Send Hindutva back home trending on Twitter in GCC countries
-Indian media continue attacking ISI for using social media against India while independent social media exposes Hindutva dirty face
-An EU Task Force had earlier caught India running some 265 website for fake info spread against Pakistan

From Ajmal Khan Yousafzai in Islamabad, Christina Palmer in New Delhi, Nabeela Galladari in Dubai and Ahmad Al Rashidi in Bahrain

While Indian media has been targeting Pakistani security agencies, particularly the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) for running certain hate campaigns against Indian Premier, the Independent Social media platform such as Twitter and Facebook have been found flooded by officially backed hate campaigns against Islam and Muslims, originating not only from India but being emitted by Non Resident Indians (NRIs), based at different countries of the World but this time getting prompt and aggressive response by influential Muslim figures, reveal the investigations of The Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that after being caught red handed for running a number of fake news websites and social media accounts against Pakistan by a Task Force of the European Union, in November last year, Indian intelligence agency the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) planned to use original accounts of the Indian citizens and especially those of the NRIs for the sinister campaigns against Muslims and Pakistan. For the purpose, Hindutva Brotherhood platform of the fanatic Hindu groups like RSS and VHP were used to find selected NRIs, willing to run these campaigns through their respective social media accounts and blogs.

The investigations indicate that the plan worked well in Europe, US and many other regions; however it got a huge setback when it was launched in Middle East and Saudi Arabia and rest of the Muslim World, particularly, the GCC States. The investigations further reveal that the purpose of launching this hate campaign in Muslim World was intended to get the idea as to how the influential, yet non official figures of these Muslim countries react for an assessment of further actions against Muslims of occupied Kashmir and India.
The sources in the Indian political circles had revealed earlier that it was discussed at the highest political levels that though there was no negative official response from the Muslim World to India’s drastic steps in occupied Jammu and Kashmir as well as against the hostilities

against Muslim minority across India, yet the influential figure of the Muslims countries, particularly those of Royal families could be feeling differently and could make an ultimate impact on the official policies and thus it was highly imperative to know how could they react to further steps in this regard.
Taking the initiative, Indian intelligence started focusing on those Indians that were working in the companies owned by the influential figures in the Muslim world, particularly in UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc.
However, this campaign earned a strong wrath and backfired miserably as the influential figures not only reacted strongly but also threatened of dire consequences to their Indian employees for targeting Muslims and Islam through hate campaigns on social media and that too while being employed by Muslim employers and while being stationed in Muslim countries with many even suggesting of cancelling the work permits of Indian Hindus and to deport them back to India.
The investigations reveal that in one such case, an Indian Hindu employee of the famous Al-Ghurair Business Empire of the UAE, based in Dubai and identified as Preeti Giri earned the wrath of her local boss who not only snubbed her for ant-Muslim posts on her twitter account but also strongly threatened her of strong official action for it. The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that later, the twitter accounts of Preeti Giri and many like were blocked or deleted, either by the administration of twitter or the local authorities.
Media persons in these GCC States have also shown strong reaction with renowned journalists and Scholars like Abidi Zarahrani of saudi Arabia even creating a twitter hash tag of # send Hindutva back home etc. In many of these GCC countries, the demand of expelling Hindu executives and migrant workers is gaining momentum and they are being considered as strong and serious threat to peace and security .It is being said here that in the coming few days, almost all the GCC States are going to issue new instructions for foreign nationals regarding use of social media in their host countries, violating which could result into their immediate expulsions. It remains a fact that the GCC States are hosting around 4400,000 Indian Hindus that are now being poisoned with Hindutva venom from India.
Earlier, The Daily Mail report of November 14, 2019 said that A European NGO tackling disinformation has uncovered a vast network of fake local news sites in over 65 countries serving Indian interests by repeatedly criticising Pakistan. The websites, more than 265 in number, are designed to influence the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) with the objective of damaging Pakistan, according to EU DisinfoLab, an NGO that researches and tackles disinformation campaigns.
In early October, the European External Action Service’s (EEAS) East StratCom Task Force or the EU Disinformation Task Force had revealed that eptoday.com, which covers European Parliament (EP) in Brussels, was plagiarising news from Russia Today and Voice of America since a long time.
Most of the plagiarised content included articles and op-eds related to minorities in Pakistan and India-related matters. Surprisingly, it was discovered that the monthly publication was owned by Indians, with links to numerous think tanks, NGOs, and entities from the Srivastava Group. The group’s Internet Protocol (IP) address was home to an obscure online media outlet, New Delhi Times, as well as the International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies (IINS), both of which were tracked to the same location in the Indian city of New Delhi.
The IINS, a few weeks later, requested 27 members of the European Parliament to join them for a tour to Kashmir and meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It was covered by the media and journalists soon linked it to managers and those funding the contentious visit the IINS and the direct entourage of EP Today.
The EU DisinfoLab using opensource intelligence continued investigating the network, leading it to Geneva, which houses the headquarters of the UN’s refugee agency. The EU DisinfoLab discovered a 35-year-old paper, timesofgeneva.com, which publishes online the same content as EP Today and produces material criticising Pakistan’s role in Kashmir.
Hard evidence related to EP today and Times of Geneva was found, linking their strong ties to a network of NGOs and think-tanks, such as the European Organization for Pakistani Minorities (EOPM) and Pakistani Women’s Human Rights Organization. These organisations’ website were hosted on the same servers and their staff wrote for EP Today. Further, links between EP Today and timesofgeneva.com were proved by discovering links between the websites’ domain names, emails, and registration addresses.