Holy Prophet (PBUH) dearer to us than our lives, says Qadri

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Noor ul Haq on Tuesday reiterated that no Muslim could compromise on the respect of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as he was dearer to them than their lives. †The holy Prophet (PBUH) is dearer to us all than our own souls. His respect is the part of our faith. We can have different ways and procedures, but our destination is the same that nothing can take precedence ahead of the Prophet in our feelings,†he said speaking in the National Assembly.
The minister said Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam and the resolution tabled in the House was a positive action to uphold the sanctity of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
He said Prime Minister Imran Khan had effectively highlighted across the world that the respect and honour of the Holy Prophet was dear to all the Muslims. He raised the issue of blasphemy to the Holy Prophet at all the international forums, including the United Nations and Organisation Islamic Co-operation. It needed more work and “we all should join hands for this noble cause,†he stressed.
Earlier speaking in House, former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said the entire country was unanimous on the issue of Tahaffuz-i-Namoos-i-Risalat (protection of the sanctity of Prophethood). A unanimous resolution should have been tabled in the House and the government should have taken the opposition on board regarding the session, he added.
The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leader reiterated that there was no difference of opinion on Tahaffuz-i-Namoos-i-Risalat and Khatm-i-Nabuwwat (Finality of the Prophithood). He said the opposition should be be given some time to study the draft and suggest any additions so that the resolution could be passed unanimously today and a debate could be started.