Hostility towards Iran

THE US punitive policy on Iran is related more to its agenda of establishing Israel’s hegemony in the Middle East rather than limiting Iran’s nuclear activities of Uranium enrichment. In this agenda, the US is fully supported by its Arab allies. Iran with the help of countries like Russia thwarted the fall of Bashara al Asad regime in Syria, which the US and Israel wanted to topple it by starting a conflict of sectarian nature. The US Special representative on Iran Elliot Abraham said in Thursday that pressure campaign of economic sanctions targeting Iran will continue in Joe Biden Administration even if he returns to Iran Nuclear deal. Similar views were expressed by Saudi King Salman in his address to the country’s Shura Council, calling upon world powers to take “decisive stance” against Iran’s efforts to build up its nuclear and missile programmes. Iran has always claimed that its nuclear programme is for peaceful purpose. However, International Atomic Agency has said that Iran had carried out activities relevant to development of nuclear device in a structured programme through the end of 2003.
Establishing Israel supremacy in the Middle East is the center piece of US led New World Order. It invaded Iraq twice to destroy its military strength. Prior to it Israel’s Air Force carried out a strike on under construction Iraq’s nuclear reactor located 17 kilometer southeast of Baghdad on June 7 1981 and destroyed it. Muammar Gaddafi regime was toppled in Libya and the country then landed into civil war. Similarly, for the ouster of Bashara al Asad of Syria, a conflict of sectarian nature was supported there which is still on. The US now wants to weaken the military muscle of Iran for which it moved the United Nations Security Council to extend arms embargo against it, which was due to expire on 18 October. On August 15, UNSC resoundingly rejected a bid by the US and its Arab allies to extend global embargo on Iran. Eleven UNSC member countries, including France Germany and the UK abstained from the meeting, while Russia and China strongly opposed extending of 13 year ban, which was due to expire last month under the 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo strongly reacted to the UNSC rejection vote and said in a statement, “The Security Council failure to act decisively in the defence of international peace is inexcusable.