How ‘friendship’ for money let Armenia down

DM Monitoring

BAKU: The recent events which took place on July 12-16 on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border has revealed another flaw in Armenia’s immoral and destructive policy.
It is about the information war that Armenia has been waging against Azerbaijan for the last thirty years. Russia is the most important mediator in resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and keeping the public opinion of this country in the orbit of its influence has always been one of the priorities of Armenian politics.
To this end, Yerevan has an army of politicians and media in the service, which constantly expresses the same position in the Russian information space around the events of long-lasting Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, that is pro-Armenian one.
However, recently something has gone wrong in the fine-tuned propagandist machine. It seems that Yerevan has faced problems in controlling Russian public opinion. The Armenian media outlets state:
“The latest escalation on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border revealed the wormy insides of those whom we, Armenians, are accustomed to considering friends. It’s about those Russian political scientists, MPs, journalists and other brethren whom for years we were bringing to Armenia and “Artsakh” [Nagorno-Karabakh], were wining and dining them, and, when seeing off, were putting money in their pockets for trouble, so to speak. For many years they were fattening at our expense, building their own careers, acquiring real estate; and we thought it would always be that way. But alas.” Yerevan is perplexed how their “devoted friends” Zatulin [Russian MP], Soloviev [Russian TV journalist] and others could have doubted the veracity of the Armenian version of the beginning of the recent escalation on the border, openly hinting that it was Armenia that initiated the clash.
It turned out that the whole thing is about money, or rather, its absence, which the Yerevan media outlets for the first time openly reported about.
The message reads: “The new government, which came to power on the wave of the democratic revolution, rightly considered that it is not worth paying for friendship. If a person shares our pain and aspirations, understands the essence of the conflict, who is the victim, and who is the aggressor, if it comes from the heart, then why pay for it?”
To understand the motives of Armenia’s “friends”, Armenian politicians only need to look at themselves in the mirror. Should they not know how to buy and sell friendships?!
As known, mercenaries fight as long as they are paid. If Armenia wants Soloviev, Zatulin and other mercenaries in the service of Yerevan to continue fooling the average Russian by telling tales about “good Armenians” and “bad Azerbaijanis”, it will have to continue paying for their services.