HR development programme for Armed Forces concludes

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Armed Forces of Pakistan are the pride of Muslim Ummah which always remains ready for the protection of nation and protecting societies form extremism and terrorism. This was said by H.E. Dr. Hathal Homoud Al-Otaibi, President International Islamic University (IIU) on the occasion of concluding ceremony of 36th Human Resource Development Program for professionals (Officers of Armed Forces) of Pakistan, which was held here at Allam Iqbal Auditorium Faisal Masjid Campus, IIUI. The one month long

Islamic training Program was organized by the Dawah Academy of the University. As many as nineteen participants from Pakistan Army, Air Force and Pakistan Navy participated in the Program.
IIUI President said that in present era distance education and online teaching has become vital for all educational institutions while Dawah Academy, IIUI will also soon introduce such programs for people from all sectors in this regard. He reiterated his resolve that International Islamic University will be among the leading ranks to make Pakistan proud across the nations through its skilled youth, research and academic excellence.
President IIUI also stressed upon the unity of entire Muslim world to counter the prevailing challenges and said that Islam is a religion of peace and harmony and this message must reach to all corners of world whereas International Islamic University Islamabad is performing its pivotal role in this regard. Addressing to course participants Dr. Otaibi also highlighted important role played by Dawah Academy for the entire Muslim Ummah from last four decades.
During the one month training program, different sessions included, Quran, Sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Character Building, Meaning and Methodology of Da’wah, Qur’an an Introduction, Islamic Personality and Spiritual Development, Power Potential of Muslim Ummah, Purpose of Life, Concept of Leadership in Islam, Time and Personality Management, Islamic Culture and Civilization, Islamic System of Economics, Concept of Knowledge in Islam, Islamic Ideology and Concept of Pakistan.
Incharge, Dawah Academy, Prof. Dr. Ilyas thanked IIUI President for joining the concluding ceremony and vowed that the academy would keep pursuing its objective of dissemination of peace. He also highlighted the objectives of the course among the course participants and emphasized that it is time to protect Ideological boundaries as well as geographical boundaries while we all are standing united to protect our country and Muslim ummah. He also appreciated all the training section for providing services to the course participants throughout the training program.
Earlier, Dr. Abdul Fareed Brohi, Course Coordinator, Dr. Zaheer Ud Din Behram, Assistant Professor, Dawah Academy also addressed the ceremony. At the end course participants were awarded course completion certificates and shields. A souvenir was also jointly presented by representatives of Armed Forces to the President, IIUI on this occasion.