Human survival & traditional tree planation

The Caretaker Chief Minister KP Justice (R) Syed Arshad Hussain Shah has formally launched the provincial Spring Tree Plantation Campaign, 2024 by planting a sapling on the lawn of Chief Minister’s House Peshawar. Under this plantation campaign, more than 12 million saplings would be planted across the province. Speaking on the occasion, the caretaker Chief Minister stressed that no one can deny the need and importance of forests for the survival of human life on the earth, wherein, the devastating floods, droughts, and other natural calamities further enhance the importance and urgency of forests and tree plantation in the current era.
The Tree plantation has been recognized as one of the most engaging, environmentally friendly, and highly essential activities that people can participate in to preserve the planet’s atmosphere and universal life cycle, if and when done properly. Trees and forestry provide oxygen which is essential for all living organisms including men, animals, and plants. It improves air quality, reduces heat, increases underground water reserves, prevents soil erosion, and promotes natural beauty in respective areas. Similarly, trees and greenery reduce stress and have positive effects on mental health. In fact, tree plantation is not just about planting saplings but it’s an investment in our future. Therefore, mass tree plantation is of utmost importance to save our ailing planet and ensure a sustainable environment for human generations to come in this universe.
Ideally, global experts recommend that at least 30% of the land area of any nation must be covered with forest to preserve biodiversity, climate regulation, and ecosystem services. Whereas, Pakistan Forests cover approximately 5.2 million hectares, which is about 5% of the total landmass.
Historically, Pakistan is one of the most vulnerable nations to Global Climate Change whose worst effects regularly appear in the shape of recurrent flash floods, droughts, glacier melt, increased heat, and weather changes. Henceforth, Acute deforestation and land degradation are significant challenges that confront South Asian nation and continuously multiplying to the worst impacts of global warming.
Seasonal tree plantations have always been formally celebrated by the country’s political leadership and bureaucracy with traditional media coverage and photoshoots throughout history. But all those forestation campaigns have been marred by the institutional corruption and slackness of the bureaucracy with the least effect on the ground. Furthermore, the illegal logging and smuggling of precious wood significantly reduced the forests in the country.
Previously, the PTI government launched two important tree plantation campaigns commonly known as Billion Tree Tsunami and 10 Billion Tree Tsunami under a nationwide initiative of clean and green Pakistan. Although, massive tree plantation was done through these initiatives but 100 percent effects could not be given due to corruption and no accountability at the lower level.
Undoubtedly, forests are highly essential for the survival of mankind and other living organisms in this universe. Pakistan badly lacks in wood and vegetation which seriously undermines the National economy, the country’s environment, and public health. Currently, the KP government has planned to implant around five million saplings in the Peshawar region, whereas, 3.806 million in Abbottabad and 3.784 million trees would be planted in Malakand. Hopefully, the caretaker leaders will ensure full implementation of the ambitious project so such large numbers of saplings are physically planted on the ground instead of fake transitions in files and computers of the bureaucracy. Meanwhile, other provincial governments including the GB and Azad Kashmir administrations must put in their best efforts to make this spring tree plantation successful and decisive. So, Pakistan could effectively respond to grave challenges relating to deforestation and global warming in the future.