ICCPO holds online Khuli Katcheri

By Uzma Zafar

Islamabad: Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan on Thursday hold an online khuli katcheri to give the residents direct access to the police high ups.
That the ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan responded to the public queries via phone calls from 03:30pm to 05:30pm. ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan listened to the problems of the callers and directed the concerned officers for their immediate solution.
ICCPO said that, the security plan regarding the upcoming election was finalized. Administrative and security measures are also being implemented regarding Election 2024.
Legal actions against illegal residing foreigners will continue during the election. Moreover, action will be taken against those who vote on fake ID cards.
10,000 officers and officials of the Islamabad Capital Police and other law enforcement agencies will perform security duties during the poll.
ICCPO said that no laxity will be tolerated on the display of arms, protest, aerial firing, or disturbance of public order before, during and after the elections.
He further said that, to maintain peace and tranquility during the election in the federal capital is the top priority of the Islamabad Capital Police.
Citizens are requested to report any unusual activity on “Pucar-15” or at “ICT-15” app.