ICT Admin inspects travelling points

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: The civil administration on Thursday inspected public travelling points as per the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) guidelines to enforce Covid-19 protocols and ensure vaccination in the federal capital.
The Secretary Islamabad Transport Authority Asma Sanaullah and her team along with ICT Police inspected over a hundred buses and coaches entering the federal capital at Rawat junction.
The team inspected standard operating procedures (SOPs) compliance of mask wearing, social distancing, 50 percent passenger occupancy and vaccination status of the travellers. The DHO mobile vaccination team was deployed along Rawat Junction and others to vaccinate non-vaccinated masses.
The administration also imposed fines to passengers and bus drivers not wearing face masks and observing social distancing in the bus. Secretary ICT Transport Authority Asma Sanaullah warned that as per NCOC guidelines no individual without vaccination would be allowed to travel on buses or enter in the federal territory after September 15.
However, the administration would further made strict enforcement of vaccination drive to curb the disease spread. This is the second of vaccination drive enforcement in the transport sector. Thorough inspections being carried out at various bus terminals including 26 Number Chungi Motorway Chowk, Faizabad and Rawat.