IEP-RIC commemorates UNESCO World Engineering Day

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: Institution of Engineers, Pakistan, Rawalpindi-Islamabad Centre (IEP-RIC) commemorated the UNESCO World Engineering Day. Theme of the day this year was “Engineering for Healthy Planet”. A special event was arranged here at the IEP-RIC’s office to highlight the significance of the occasion and apprise the young engineers as how to maintain the Prescribed Standards of Quality Work in the field of engineering. Former Deputy Chairman Planning commission Engineer Dr Akram Sheikh was the chief guest on the occasion.
Chairman IEP-RIC, Engr. Hafiz M. Ehsan-Ul-Haq Qazi, Engr. Brigadier Fiaz Hussain Shah (Retired) and Secretary IEP Islamabad Gp. Capt. (retd.) Engr. Najamuddin read papers on Engineering for Healthy Planet. In their addresses, they said the World Engineering Day is an appropriate occasion to celebrate the important contributions of engineers.