‘Ignoring Palestinians’ rights won’t achieve peace in Mideast’

DM Monitoring

RAMALLAH: The Palestinian president’s spokesman said that ignoring the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights won’t achieve peace and stability in the Middle East.
“All types of Arab normalization with Israel are condemned and rejected because it (this normalization) contradicts the legitimate Arab and international resolutions,” said Abu Rudeineh.
Rudeineh’s remarks came a day after U.S. President Donald Trump declared that Israel and Sudan had agreed on normalizing diplomatic relations between the two counties.
The agreement was announced after a three-way telephone conversation between Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Sudanese leaders. “The U.S. government continues to provide free services to Israel. But regardless of what the Arab states do, the Palestinian national rights will never change,” Abu Rudeineh said.
No one has the right to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people or violate the agreed-upon Arab and international resolutions and norms, he added.
Earlier, Palestinians have been outraged over the declaration of a normalization agreement between Israel and Sudan under the U.S. sponsorship. The Palestinian Presidency affirmed in a statement its condemnation and rejection of Sudan’s decision to normalize relations with Israel that seizes the land of Palestine.
“No one has the right to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause,” it said.
It also said that the path to a comprehensive and just peace must be based on international law, resolutions of international legitimacy, and specific references, in a way that leads to ending the Israeli occupation of the land of Palestine. The statement added that “the Palestinian leadership will take the necessary decisions to protect the legitimate interests and rights of our Palestinian people.”
Wasel Abu Youssef, the member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)’s Executive Committee, told reporters that Sudan’s decision to normalize ties with Israel constitutes a “new stab in the back of the Palestinian people.”
He added that Sudan’s move represents a “betrayal of the just Palestinian cause and a departure from the Arab peace initiative.”
Hazem Qassem, the Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said in a press statement that “normalization of relations between Sudan and the occupation state is a political sin, harms our Palestinian people and their just cause.”
The Islamic Jihad movement said in a press statement that Sudan runs toward Israel and pays huge sums of money to obtain America’s satisfaction at the expense of the poor and displaced Sudanese.