IGP directs for beefing up security, intensifying patrolling

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar Khan has directed all police officials to ensure high alert security and enhance patrolling measures in the city for protection to the lives and property of the citizens. He made these directions while chairing a meeting held via video link and was attended by DIG (Operations) Waqar Uddin Syed and other senior police officials.
The IGP reviewed the overall security arrangements and policing efforts to curb crime. He directed to put security on high alert and asked DIG (Operations) Waqar Uddin Syed to monitor the security of the district himself.
He said that all Zonal SPs would brief the policemen deputed at pickets on daily basis and ensure pursuance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) during performance of their duties.
Islamabad police chief directed to install security cameras at police pickets of the city and said that no picket would operate without having CCTV cameras. He said that all patrolling officers and senior officials would sign on register placed at police pickets and write their comments in it whether SOPs are being followed by duty policemen or not.
The IGP directed to check all persons and vehicles entering in Red Zone and maintain high vigilance at entry and exit points of the city. He said that joint search operations should be conducted along with other law enforcement agencies. He also appealed citizens to keep identification documents with them during travel and cooperate with police if they demand it for purpose of identity. Mr. Aamir Zulfiqar khan said that purpose of all these arrangements is to ensure effective security in the city and protect lives as well as property of the citizens.
He asked police officials to accelerate efforts against those involved in street crime, bootlegging, illegal occupation on lands and at-large criminals. Crime rate would reduce after tightening security, the IGP said and also stressed for decent attitude with citizens.
The IGP directed for effective policing and involve community in various police related affairs. The successful policing is not possible without cooperation of community members and they should be taken into confidence regarding efforts against crime as well as anti-social elements, he added.
The IGP directed to conduct refresher courses for investigation officers on weekly basis and enhance their capacity in professional affairs. He asked to improve standard of investigation and dispose of all pending cases purely on merit, he added.
Islamabad police chief directed to ensure use of complete security kits by those policemen performing at pickets, checking points and police offices. He asked all police officials to politely interact with their subordinates and SHOs to brief policemen daily about SOPs.
He urged policemen to adopt honesty in all affairs which would not only impact their own lives but also of their families.
About precautionary measures against COVID-19, he asked police officials to ensure their own safety as well as of citizens through implementation on SOPs issued by the government.