IGP holds Online Khuli Kachehri

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: IGP Islamabad, Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi holds an online Khuli Kachehri in his office from 05:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m. on Friday.
Citizens were provided with a telephone number during the E-Khuli Kachehri.The IGP Islamabad personally listened to the issues of citizens, and Additional IG Operations was also present on the occasion.
He listened to telephone calls from citizens and marked relevant senior police officers for the prompt resolution of their issues. Citizens mentioned personal matters, delays in FIR registration, incomplete investigations in cases, and other issues during the E-Khuli Kachehri.
The IGP Islamabad stated that delays in cases would not be tolerated, and all police officers should conduct effective investigations into the cases. All missing cases should be thoroughly investigated, and efforts should be made to recover citizen’s belongings.
He stated that under no circumstances would land grabbers be tolerated in the city and they would not be allowed to exploit the valuable assets of citizens. Furthermore, he mentioned that professional beggars in the city would be eradicated, and legal action would be taken against them. Measures would be taken to eliminate dacoits, robbery in the city, and effective patrolling would be increased. Moreover, the protection of life and property of the citizens is paramount, and Islamabad Police will deal firmly with criminals. Maximum arrests of proclaimed offenders, criminals, and court absconders will be made.
IGP Islamabad expressed determination that the federal capital’s tranquility would not be compromised by anyone. Efforts would be made to eradicate the land mafia, drug dealers, and extortionists from the city.
In regard to combating drugs, Islamabad Police has also initiated the “No to Drugs” campaign. He emphasized that drug abuse would not be allowed to proliferate in society, and under no circumstances would criminals be permitted to jeopardize the future of the younger generation.
The IGP Islamabad stated that complaints against police officers and officials from citizens are taken seriously. However, he emphasized that Islamabad Police is the force of martyrs and heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the protection of the lives, property, and dignity of the respected citizens.
He reiterated that no corrupt element would be tolerated in the organization of martyrs and heroes. Corruption, abuse of authority, and complaints of misconduct towards citizens will be dealt with through stringent disciplinary actions, he added.
Therefore, citizens, through social media, praised IGP Islamabad for this initiative of holding an online Khuli Kachehri. He mentioned that such initiatives play an important role in fostering friendly relations between the public and the police.
He assured that Islamabad Police would leave no stone unturned in protecting the lives and property of its citizens. He stated that the fundamental objective of these online Khuli Kachehri is to reduce the gap between the police and the public, ensure that complaints reach senior police officers, and ensure the immediate resolution of their issues.