IGP reviews measures for community policing, effective patrolling

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar Khan on Monday reviewed new patrolling measures and plan for community policing introduced in the city to combat crime, with the support of the citizens. DIG Operations Waqar-ud-Din Syed gave a formal briefing to the IGP in a meeting about future strategy of Capital Cops which was attended by all AIGs, SSPs and Zonal SPs.
It is worthwhile to mention here that Capital Cops have introduced Street Watcher System with an objective to enhance cooperation between police and public and to curb crime. The street watchers would be deputed at streets and sub-sectors which would assist police in it’s efforts to curb crime. They would inform police in case of any suspicious activity in their respective area and keep a vigilant eye on security guards and domestic servants. Moreover, Street Patrol Units/Contingents and Air Petrol Units have been constituted to ensure protection to curb crime. IGP expressed satisfaction over new initiatives and said that all Zonal SPs would personally monitor the performance of these units and to compile report about their performance on daily basis. He asked all SPs to conduct meetings with notables in their relevant sectors and convince them to install at least one surveillance camera in each street so that vigilant eye could be maintained against suspicious elements.
SP City Zone informed the meeting that a total of 500 volunteers have been registered as street watchers and this initiative is being lauded. The IGP directed to have monitoring against suspects through drone cameras on daily basis and personnel of Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) should be affiliated with the system for timely action against car thieves, street criminals and purse snatchers.
IGP Islamabad said that Capital Cops were utilizing all resources to ensure protection to the lives and property of the citizens and adopting modern techniques for effective policing. He hoped that these steps would help a lot to overcome crime and ensure safety to people.