IHC gives 15 days more for CEC, ECP members

ISLAMABAD: The meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on the Appointment of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and Members of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) was adjourned on Monday without any proceedings but the government and opposition have agreed to settle the matter in parliament. The government and opposition agreed informally that the matters of the CEC, ECP members’ appointment should be settled in parliament instead of any other forum. The government has once again formally offered to the opposition that it was ready to accept their nominees for ECP members from Sindh and Balochistan on the condition if the opposition also agreed on its nominee for the Chief Election Commissioner. However, sources said the talks between the government and opposition were goingon the formula suggested by the government. Talking with the newsmen, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee and Minister for Human Right Dr Shireen Mazari said the formal meeting was not held as the member of the committee could not reach due to fog and it was decided to reconvene the meeting. She said it was agreed that this matter be settled at the forum of Parliament not any other forum. “Two third majority needed for deciding the names of the key appointments so it was necessary that all the members should ensure their presence in the meeting,” she said. Dr Shireen Mazar said the Parliamentary Committee was moving towards consensus. Talking to the newsmen, PML-N member of the Parliament committee Senator Mushahidullah said the opposition wanted that the talks should continue. Senator Mushahidullah Khan said they did not have the personal enmity with Babar Yaqoob for the post of the Chief Election Commissioner. He said when the allegation of rigging in Election 2018 were levelled and that time Babar Yaqoob was a Secretary of the Election Commission of Pakistan. Former prime minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf said that there was a complete consensus between the government and opposition that the matter of appointment of Chief Election Commissioner and ECP members should be decided in Parliament and the decision on these posts also will be taken simultaneously. He said Monday meeting could not be held due to absence of the members of the Parliamentary Committee as two third majority is needed to take the decision. He said the government has suggested seeking more time from the court on the matter of appointments of Election Commission of Pakistan.