Improving Kyrgyzstan’s investment climate

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: The investment climate in Kyrgyzstan has been increasingly discussed in recent years. It is said that investments are definitely needed, however, a number of factors prevent the arrival of new finance. The current year has become even more terrifying.
The pandemic has put investors in a situation where it is necessary to think not about making money, but about preserving their capital. And for this reason investors do not go to any country in the Central Asian region, as well as to other developing countries. Now the money is invested mainly in those projects that have already yielded results and proved themselves.
The second unpleasant factor is the unstable political situation in the country. It also strongly discourages potential experts because money loves stability and calmness.
Nevertheless, there is need to get out of this situation. It is necessary to change and become a more attractive country for investors. The expert community decided to discuss ways for this at a conference entitled “Prospects of investment market development in Kyrgyzstan in new political situation: forecast and possible ways to stabilize the socio-economic situation” organized by the Pikir club of regional experts.
This year’s capital outflow is really very noticeable and that is not critics’ words, but experts’. This was influenced by many factors, which were discussed at the conference by Advisor to the republic’s economy minister Nurgul Akimova.
“This is a really transitional time. We are now talking about capital outflows; all developing countries have faced this problem. Such processes always occur during a crisis, when investors leave the emerging market and go to stable countries to save their money. Since early July, there has been a 3.5 times larger outflow of capital.