Imran, Asad acquitted in protest, vandalism case

ISLAMABAD: A district and sessions court in Islamabad acquitted on Wednesday PTI founder Imran Khan, Asad Umar and others in a case related to protests and vandalism on May 9. The court presided over by Judicial Magistrate Muhammad Shabbir, issued the verdict after hearing the acquittal requests. Amina Ali, Sardar Masroof Khan, and Mohsin Ghaffar appeared as counsels for PTI leaders.
Separate acquittal pleas under Section 249 were filed by the accused, and the court ruled that the ac-cused can not be punished and pursuing the trial would be a waste of time.
“Therefore, the acquittal requests of Imran Khan, Asad Umar and Raja Khurram Shahzad are accept-ed.”
The acquittal requests of Ali Nawaz Awan, Faisal Javed, Abid Hussain, and Zaheer Khan were also ac-cepted. The accused Asad Umar, Ali Nawaz Awan, and Faisal Javed are on bail and can withdraw their bonds. It should be noted that the case against the accused was registered on May 26, 2023, at Tarnol police station. Previously, a trial court granted bail to former prime minister Imran and his two former cabinet mem-bers—Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Sheikh Rashid—in a series of cases registered against them follow-ing the May 9, 2023, rioting incidents.

Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) Judge Malik Ejaz Asif granted this relief to the politicians during the hearing of their bail applications at the judicial complex of the garrison city.
Violent protests erupted nationwide on May 9, 2023, after the PTI founder’s arrest from the Islamabad High Court (IHC) premises in connection with a corruption case.
Protesters, allegedly PTI supporters and workers, attacked various state and military installations, in-cluding the GHQ in Rawalpindi. They also vandalized and set fire to memorials and other properties.
In July of the same year, a high-level joint investigation team (JIT) decided to nominate the former premier in two terrorism cases, including one related to the attack on the GHQ. Additional sections were added to the cases, charging the PTI leader with plotting and incitement to violence.
In total, Imran was implicated in 12 different cases related to the May 9 rioting. Shah Mahmood Qureshi faced accusations in 13 such cases, while Sheikh Rashid was named in  one rioting case. These politicians later filed separate bail applications in these cases. –Agencies