Imran found guilty, disqualified for 5 years, say Lawyers

PESHAWAR: Constitutional experts and politicians here on Sunday said that Pakistan Tahrik-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan was found guilty of corrupt practices in Toshakhana case and was disqualified for five years from the election. “The court judgment was very clear. The PTI chairman was sentenced to three-year impris-onment and Rs one lakh fine after the court found him guilty of corrupt practices in Toshakhana case involving sale of expansive state gifts,” said senior lawyer and member of Peshawar High Court Bar Association (PHCBA), said Noman Bukhari.
He said that Imran could not contest elections for five years now unless his sentence was overturned by the higher courts.
PML-N KP spokesman and former MPA Ikhtair Wali said that the government had nothing to do with the verdict or the arrest of Imran Khan.
Talking to APP, he said that Imran Khan was given free and fair trial in Toshakhana case. Imran has deliberately submitted fake details and hide benefits he accrued from the national exchequer wilfully and intentionally from selling the expansive state gifts, he said.
As per the Constitution, he said that Imran Khan was automatically banned from politics for five years after the court ruling declaring that PTI chief dishonesty has been established be-yond doubt.
Ikhtair Wali Khan said that there was no justification of hue and cry after the court inclusive judgment and if PTI workers has any reservation may approach to the higher court for rem-edy.
He said Tosakhana case has nullified all the anti-corruption claims of the PTI chairman.
Wali said that PTI government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had closed down its own created Ehtesab Commission in Peshawar after it started exposing the corruptions of PTI rulers.
He said that PTI’s billion trees afforestation project was taken over by NAB Khyber Pakh-tunkhwa, adding that traffic jam in Peshawar had unnerved Peshawarties due to ill-planned BRT corridor.
PML-N leader and former minister Wajid Ali Khan said that negative politics of Imran Niazi led to the disintegration of PTI into different groups. He said Imran has mostly used his energies in politics of accusations and victimization of political opponents.
Wajid Ali said that the politics of Imran Niazi was finished after Toshakhana case.
He said PTI despite nine years’ rule in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, failed to deliver in Khyber Pakh-tunkhwa and address the people problems.
Wajid said that Imran Niazi government had badly damaged the economy and political values besides shattering the confidence of monetary institutions.
He said Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif saved the country from economic default and bankruptcy after signing an agreement with IMF. The PML-N after coming into power, will address the nine years long sense of deprivation of the people of the province and will expedite pace of economic development, he expressed. –Agencies