Imran Khan extends support to Turkey in times of 'severe economic challenges'

Prime minister-in-waiting Imran Khan extended his support to Turkey which is embroiled in an intense dispute with the United States that has seen the lira tumble.
In a tweet, Khan assured Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan and the Turkish people that “we (the people of Pakistan) are praying for their success in dealing with the severe economic challenges confronting them”.
He also expressed hope that the country would succeed in coming out of the crisis, “as they have always succeeded against adversities in their glorious history”.
A day earlier, the Foreign Office had also announced the country’s support for Turkey and had insisted on dialogue with the US in order to maintain peace and stability.
“The people and the Government of Pakistan reiterate their strong support for the Government and the people of Turkey in their quest for peace and prosperity,” the statement said, adding that Islamabad will continue to stand by the Turkish people “as always”.
On Monday, Turkey’s central bank failed to halt the precipitous plunge of the lira with a raft of measures aimed at soothing markets, as Erdogan accused the United States of seeking to stab its Nato ally “in the back”.
A dispute between Turkey and the US — which reached new intensity over the detention of an American pastor — has hammered the lira and also raised questions over the future partnership between Washington and Ankara.
Last Friday, President Donald Trump had said via a tweet that the tariff on aluminium imports would be increased to 20 per cent and the tariff on steel imports would be raised to 50pc as the Turkish Lira “slides rapidly downward against our very strong Dollar!”
Trump had also declared that “Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!”
Pakistan and Turkey have enjoyed close ties over the years. In February, during the vote on US’s motion to ‘grey list’ Pakistan at the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) plenary meeting, the only country left opposing the motion was Turkey.