Imran says will distribute party tickets for election himself

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan will distribute party tickets to candidates for the upcoming general election himself through the party’s parliamentary committee board, a party notification said.
No one will be able to sell party ticket now, Imran said, vowing to not let a repeat of Senate elections happen, which the PTI chief said involved buying and selling of votes.
In a meeting held today, the board decided to immediately commence the process of nominating candidates and mulled over the procedure of doing so.
The PTI chief added that there would be no specific quota and strong candidates will be fielded for the election.
The party will field candidates in most constituencies [than any other party], he added.
Various political parties have kicked off their election campaign by holding rallies and organizing membership campaigns throughout the country.
Imran in recent days has visited parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa as well as Lahore as part of a membership drive.