Imran urges Rights groups to save Yasin

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: PTI Chairperson and former prime minister Imran Khan Tuesday called upon human rights organisations to take action against the Indian government for torturing Kashmiri freedom fighter, Yasin Malik.
Taking to Twitter, the PTI leader condemned Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “fascist” government for forcing Malik to go on a hunger strike.
“Strongly condemn fascist Modi government continuing torture of Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik in Tihar jail forcing him to go on hunger strike,” he wrote.
The former prime minister said that Malik’s life was in extreme danger, urging the United Nations Secretary-General (UNSG) and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR).
“His life is in extreme danger. I call on UNSG, UNHCHR and international human rights [organisations] to take action against India and save Yasin Malik’s life,” wrote Khan. Meanwhile, Mushaal Hussein Mullick Peace and Culture Organisation Chairperson urged the world’s bodies to force India to release Yasin Malik who was shifted to the medical investigation room due to his fast deteriorating health condition.
Mushaal, who is wife of Yasin Malik, in a statement on Tuesday, said that JKLF Chief was on hunger strike in Tihar jail for the last six days against the fascist Indian government’s biased attitude not to provide him opportunity of fair trial, said a press release here Tuesday.
She stated that Yasin Malik was being given intravenous fluids and he was battling for life. Mushaal said that Yasin Malik was kept in solitary confinement in a high-risk cell in a false and fabricated cases to defuse the intensity of Kashmir freedom movement.
The Chairperson said that her husband informed the court that he had written a letter to the government seeking his transfer to a Jammu jail so that he could physically appear in the case and contest the allegations against him but his request was not entertained.
Therefore, she said that went on an indefinite hunger strike inside the jail in protest against the callous attitude of the authorities.
Mushaal feared that Yasin being the most powerful and effective voice of Kashmir liberation movement, hence the fascist government was using all barbaric and unlawful tactics to silence him. The Chairperson lamented the world silence over the criminal and unjust treatment meted out to JKLF Chief.
She urged that the United Nations, European Union, human rights organizations and world powers should build pressure on the Hindutva regime to not only save Yasin Malik’s life but to ensure his safe release.