Imran’s essay not AI-generated: PTI

—— Article in UK outlet originally authored by Khan: PTI
—— Imran takes full responsibility for published piece

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Tuesday firmly denied any use of artificial means in writing an essay recently published in The Economist under the name of former prime minister Imran Khan.
The party refuted claims suggesting that the essay had been generated through artificial intelligence or any other artificial means. According to the PTI, the article attributed to the former party chief in the UK publication was genuinely authored by him.
In an official statement released on platform X, the PTI asserted: “It is clarified that the news/reports carried by local media on the contents and mode of publication of an article by the PTI Chairman-for-life in a foreign publication The Economist does not reflect the actual state of facts regarding the mat-ter.”
The statement further emphasised, “The said piece has been authored by the PTI Chairman-for-life, Imran Khan, vindictively incarcerated at Central Jail, Rawalpindi. In no way, this has been compiled through the use of artificial means including artificial intelligence.”
Urging the local media to ensure accurate reporting, the party urged for the publication of this clarification in upcoming editions, stating, “present the facts and carry this clarification in its true letter and spirit by publishing it at the same prominent place in their upcoming editions.” –Agencies